Comic-Con@Home: dal 22 al 26 Luglio il SDCC 2020 sbarca il streaming

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L’emergenza Covid-19 ha costretto il mondo a fare i conti con una situazione nuova, che ha colpito ogni settore, compresi quelli dell’intrattenimento e delle fiere. Uno degli eventi più attesi al mondo –  San Diego Comic-Con– è stato annullato, ma al suo posto sorgerà il Comic-Con@Home un evento completamente gratuito da seguire in streaming.

Stesse date del SDCC 2020  – dal 22 al 26 Luglio – ma senza alcuna limitazione per quanto riguarda i partecipanti, che quindi potranno godersi lo spettacolo dell’evento da casa, comodamente sul divano, compresi i Panel e le presentazioni di film, serie e fumetti.

Questo il comunicato stampa ufficiale :

San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC), the organizers behind the annual comics and pop culture convention Comic-Con, today shared details for an initiative in the works, Comic-Con@Home, an online event that will combine aspects of the convention experience with the comforts of home. Circumstances involving the COVID-19 pandemic and California’s restrictions against large gatherings have forced SDCC to cancel their 2020 international celebration that brings fans and professionals from all over the world to San Diego.

Comic-Con@Home was first teased in early May with a short video announcement and a promise of details to come. Pop culture enthusiasts will note that this initiative joins the Comic-Con Museum’s virtual endeavor, Comic-Con Museum@Home, already ongoing. Although conditions prevent celebrating in person, the show, as they say, must go on. With Comic-Con@Home, SDCC hopes to deliver the best of the Comic-Con experience and a sense of its community to anyone with an internet connection and an interest in all aspects of pop culture. Plans for Comic-Con@Home include an online Exhibit Hall complete with everyone’s favorite exhibitors offering promotions, specials, and limited-edition products unique to the celebration.

As well, Comic-Con@Home promises exclusive panels and presentations about comics, gaming, television, film, and a wide variety of topics from publishers, studios, and more. As if that weren’t enough, Comic-Con@Home will also have a Masquerade, gaming, and many other activities in which fans can participate from their own homes. Although Comic-Con@Home will provide badges for fans to print and wear proudly, all aspects of the initiative are free and there are no limits to how many can attend.
Comic-Con@Home will be held on the same dates as the previously canceled Comic-Con, July 22-26, 2020, and online attendees are encouraged to use the official #ComicConAtHome hashtag to be included in the virtual activities. Organizers and participating entities will begin providing additional details in announcements leading up to the event. Interested fans are encouraged to check Toucan, the official Comic-Con and WonderCon blog, SDCC’s website and social channels, and the official channels of their favorite pop culture creators in the weeks to come.”

Marcello Portolan

Uno strano mix genetico sperimentale allevato a fumetti & fantascienza classica, plasmato dal mondo dell'informatica e della tecnologia, ma con la passione per la scrittura. Un ghiottone che adora esplorare il mondo in cerca di Serie TV e pellicole da guardare noncurante dei pericoli del Trash e dello splatter. un vero e proprio globetrotter del mondo NERD